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Los XL and Jefferson D Lion fuse Latin voices and Afrobeat in “Sacúdete”

Carlos López (born February 3, 1992 in Zacatecas, Mexico), better known as Los XLhas just released Sacúdete, the first single from the EP “En Fuego”; with Carlos Jefferson Garcés (born August 16 in Buenaventura, Colombia), musically known as Jefferson D Lion.

What does the new song by Los XL and Jefferson D Lion sound like?

  • Los XL’s new song is a production fusion of Afro beat style and Latin vocals. Full of energy and a catchy hook. First single from a 5-track EP called “En Fuego” with Los XL and Jefferson D Lion on the new record label CRTV Music, distributed by Ingrooves. This is the second collaboration of the two, after the release of Sueltalo on the American label of El Dusty, released in 2019. The second single from the EP called “Fuego” will be released on April 15, 2022.

The XL says he entered the commercial side of music when he was 15 years old. It had FL Studios and Photoshop. He couldn’t learn how to make music at FL Studios, there weren’t many tutorials at the time, so he learned Photoshop and started making designs for clubs at that age; “but making music was always in my head”, Los XL says that at the age of 18 he gave production another chance and the successes have come successively. Jefferson D Lion remembers that he started doing freestyle from a very young age in his neighborhood, but did not dedicate himself professionally to music until the age of 18.

The Internet changed everything, now it’s very fast. Now it’s all on your computer or phone and it’s easier to be a freelance artist, but you have to juggle a lot of work, especially PR work if you don’t have the means to pay someone.

The XL (Carlos López).

Both feel a connection by the love of art that manifests itself with music. Influenced by artists such as El Chombo, DJ Blass, Munchi, DJ Alvaro, Afrojack (by Los XL); and Hector Lavoe, 2 Pac, Yuri Buenaventura, Daddy Yankee (by Jefferson D Lion). The energy it transmits and the power of freedom of expression that music allows has been the main hook that has allowed these two artists to decide to dedicate their careers to this business. “I always wanted to make people dance,” confesses Los XL.

La industria de la música ha cambiado en todos los aspectos al nivel que hoy en día se valora más la imagen de un artista que hace bromas o es controversial, como el contenido de una canción que provoca risas, que es viral por la estupidez de su contenido. Hoy ya no se valora el arte de una buena canción ni el buen contenido de una canción, sino los números.

Jefferson D Lion (Carlos Jefferson Garcés).

Dual interview with Los XL and Jefferson D Lion.

What motivated you to make yourself known by that name AKA?

  • The XL: “Los” comes from Carlos, and XL is an abbreviation of the word “Excel” not Extra Large as everyone thinks (jokes). I was going through a difficult time in my life, so I chose that name as a reminder to move on and be better.
  • Jefferson D Lion: Well, the name comes from a producer when he saw my potential as an artist and identified me with the name, my favorite animal is the lion and my zodiac sign is Leo.

What musical style do you feel most comfortable with?

  • The XL: Not necessarily a style, but anything with a Latin, Caribbean rhythm. I love merging styles and cultures to create my own in my production.
  • Jefferson D Lion: Personally I like all kinds of music, but to make it as an artist I feel very good with the one I make.

What is the album with which you feel most identified as musicians?

  • The XL: I’ve yet to release a full album, but from my latest EP, “Turn Me Off” is probably my favorite.
  • Jefferson D Lion: From each album I have a favorite song. Like my first album “El Rompe Trocha”, I have Dale Gas; from the album “Vive” Tengo Sueltalo. But “En Fuego” would be my best album and my favorite songs are Que Suene Y Fuego.


What is the best and most difficult thing you have been through during the artistic process of musical creation?

  • The XL: The best thing is to create what you like and do it for yourself and no one else. The hardest thing is to keep a positive mind, because you’re starting from the bottom, but you just have to keep pushing.
  • Jefferson D Lion: The hardest thing I would say is the process of working alone without having a team by your side supporting you and the best thing is to have achieved what I have done as an independent artist.

With which artists would you say that you have been able to unleash your creativity and with which would you repeat in another project?

  • The XL: I highlight Mannie D Cruz, Jefferson D Lion, Michele Wylen, Mathias, Snappy Jit
  • Jefferson D Lion: for me the best have been Diddy-es & G-Miztik

Can you give us a sneak peek of your upcoming projects and when they will come to light?

Shake, is the first release of our 5 track EP “En Fuego” (pending release date) on CRTV Music distributed by Ingroove. The second single, “Fuego” comes out on April 15, 2022.

Jefferson D Lion: Don’t trust everyone who is attached to you showing you good intentions and never stop working for your dreams

How did you become a cryptocurrency enthusiast?

  • The XL: I have some bitcoin, I have made money in the music business and I get paid in music cryptocurrencies! Search for Audius! Web 3 is a new platform for independent artists.


The XL: For everyone starting out, remember that the moment you make money becomes a business, so learn the business side of music, it’s not just about being creative. Know your music rights and types of royalties. There will be moments of loneliness (many of them) but you have to fully believe in yourself and your art to make this happen. Also practice, practice your craft.

Jefferson D Lion: Never stop dreaming, never lose faith and never stop believing in yourself and your abilities, because only you can do it, if you want.

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