Jamal Deonte Bryant, known professionally as Tharealsjamal, promises new album titled “Rage Star”. Jamal is a rising star in the world of hip-hop and R&B music. His early influences included Chris Brown, whose music he listened to and sang, and whose style helped shape Jamal’s musical approach.
Chris Brown, Jamal Deonte main musical influence
Jamal’s music is a mix of hip-hop and R&B, but he also experiments with multiple genres. His songs often address contemporary social issues, reflecting both his own experiences and those of others. It seeks to promote a message of love and positivity, encouraging listeners to be kind and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity.
Tharealsjamal has collaborated with other artists, including Sjm Chicago and Dio Medusa, and has his sights set on working with artists such as Lecrae, Aha Gazelle, Drake Milligan and Panic at the Disco. When asked about his favorite song, Jamal says it changes depending on the most recent release.
Tharealsjamal and “Rage Star”: how to balance music and responsibilities.
Jamal is set to release a new album titled “Rage Star”, which promises to be an exciting and energetic addition to his already impressive musical output. He notes that his creative process can be difficult, as he has to balance his music with schoolwork and other responsibilities, but he perseveres using his iPhone to create samples and then working on the beats and vocals in his spare time.
Despite the challenges, Jamal remains focused and motivated, advising others to be patient, kind, and put God first in their lives. With his infectious energy and positive message, Jamal Deonte is a musician to be reckoned with for years to come.
The Journalists of this publications identities have been hidden for their own safety and all published writing go through our Editor “Gilberto Ewale Masa” for facts checking before publication.
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